PRIME BIO NET is human biospecimen CRO operating in Ukraine and providing different types of biological samples to biopharmaceutical and academic researchers, pharmaceutical companies, biobanks and biorepositories all over the world.
Our experienced team and medical staff strictly adhere to International GCP, ICH Standards for data integrity, patient protection as well as all local regulations and internal SOPs.
For achieving our goals we focused on cooperation with Ukrainian research institutes, large state hospitals and their research departments, as well as private medical clinics.
Glad to meet you!
We collaborate with an extensive network of clinics in Ukraine under IRB (IEC) approved contracts with strict compliance of research`s criteria in various medical areas: oncology, ophthalmology, endocrinology, neurology, dermatology, rheumatology, infectious, benign conditions / normal control (as a control group) and therapy in general.
Due to our extensive experience and professional team, we understand the needs of our clients, timely and efficiently achieve expected results. Before taking any project into work, we give a comprehensive feasibility assessment of completion with agreements of all the necessary details.
Biosamples collection
We provide material processing and sample receipt in strict accordance with the customer`s requirements with guaranteed quality and compliance to international collection guidelines.
We provide high quality human biological specimens and their clinical data for range of sample categories and formats, including fresh, frozen and fixed tissues, blood, sputum, saliva and other bio fluids.
All clinical materials obtained by PBN are followed by official protocols with appropriate Independent Ethical Committee’s (IRB/IEC) approval, which operates in accordance with the current Regulations. We correspond with ICH, GCP guidelines and local lows to protect human, as Study Subjects.
We cooperate with worldwide logistics service providers experienced in biological material transportation and can ensure effective supply chain solutions with optimized delivery time and shipment tracking. We ship to Europe, the United States on usual basis.
Quality Assurance
Good Clinical Practice (GCP) is the international ethical and quality standard for conducting clinical trials. The GCP standard applies to all aspects of the clinical trial process.
All specimens are collected under a strict Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). Quality Control is performed on 100% of collected biosamples. From excision to storage and shipment, each specimen is handled with care to ensure that the highest quality specimens are delivered to our customers.
Whole Blood
Plasma & Serum
FFPE Tissue
Other types of biofluids
Frozen Tissue
Sets (matched samples)
We operate in accordance with International and local human biomedical research regulations that apply to all our clinics and customers. All prospective samples are collected under the IEC approval in compliance to GCP Standards.
PrimeBioNet is unconditionally committed to patient care. We should be sure that all collected clinical materials do not obstruct patient care.
At PrimeBioNet we have designed procedures to achieve the highest ethical standards in all of our activities. All collected samples are strictly coded and legally obtained by documentation of Consent, which clearly reflects research purpose intentions and the potential benefits of scientific discovery.
All without exception specimens are obtained with signed Informed Consent Form.
We and our partners are very interested in such research studies and their contribution to the future development of medicine and health care.
Our staff is highly qualified and experienced in this field and as a result, we obtain high-quality biological samples. All samples are collected with strict conformity of GCP/ICH regulations, IRB (IEC), in accordance with the Study Protocol and SOPs.
Benefits for our clients: We propose you a quick feasibility assessment of your requests, timely and high-level quality execution of your orders, good price and working conditions.
We believe that Ukrainian team will be able to satisfy most of your purposes. Just send us a request filling in the form below or via email.
We are not the best today, but we intend to be the best tomorrow.
adress: Ukraine, Kyiv 04128
whatsapp: +38 050 510-90-90
viber: +38 050 510-90-90
(SOP 04.001)
1. Collecting up to 50 ml per donor into different types of tubes (K2/K3 EDTA, STRECK, Na/Li Heparin, Na Citrate, PaxGene and other)
2. Without further processing
2. Storing and transportation at +2C+8C, -20C, -80C upon requests
(SOP 04.002)
1. Collecting into tubes with anticoagulant up to 50 ml of whole blood
2. Processing within 1-2 hours after collection
3. Standard centrifuging 1500-2000 G (RCF) for 15 minutes (single or double) at room temperature
4. Aliquoting appropriate volume of plasma into labeled cryovials
5. Storing and transportation at -20C, -80C
(SOP 04.002)
1. Collecting into serum tubes (CAT) up to 50 ml of whole blood,
2. Processing within 1 after collection
3. Standard centrifuging 1500 G (RCF) for 15 minutes at room temperature
4. Appropriate volume of supernatant is transfered to the labelled cryovials
5. Storing and transportation at -20C, -80C
FFPE tissue:
(SOP 04.006)
1. Fixation of tissue is 10% Neutral-Buffered Formalin (NBF) within 10 to 30 minutes after surgery excision.
2. The volume of the fixative is least 10-15 times greater than the volume of the tissue (i.e., 10-15 ml for every gram of tissue)
3. Tissue specimens not bigger than 2.5 x 2.0 x 0.3 cm (length x width x depth) to be adequately fixed.
4. Duration of fixation - overnight to 24 hours but no more than 72 hours.
5. Storing and transportation at ambient temperature
Frozen tissue:
(SOP 04.005)
1. Snap frozen tissue is suitable for preparation of DNA, RNA and protein
2. Frozen at Liquid Nitrogen within 30 minutes from resection
3. Tissue specimen is placed into an empty cryovial and immediately submerges into liquid nitrogen.
4. The specimen should freeze within 30-60 seconds
5. Once snap frozen, the sample is transferred into liquid nitrogen storage container (preferred) or to an -80º C (or colder) freezer.
Other biofluids:
(SOP 04.003)
1. Urine (up to 150 ml) is collected in a labeled sterile urine collection cup free of any preservatives and containing a lid.
2. If further processing is to be carried out, the collected urine collection must be maintained at 2-8°C in a fridge or cool box and processed within 4 hours of collection.
3. Storing and transportation at -20C, -80C
1. Subject is asked to let saliva collect in the mouth for at least 1 minute and then to drool into the labeled sterile collection tube or container. This process may be repeated multiple times in order to collect larger volumes of saliva (2-5 mL).
Bone marrow aspirate:
1. A sample of the liquid portion of the bone marrow (up to 10 ml) is withdraws. The aspiration takes only a few minutes. Several samples may be taken.
2. Inversions of each tube immediately after placing the marrow aspirate into labeled specimen tube to ensure adequate anticoagulation.
3. Storing and transportation at +2C+8C
Aqueous humor:
1. 100-200 microliters of aqueous humor will be collected during surgery.
2. Aqueous humor is transferred into labeled cryovial and placed in liquid nitrogen within 15 minutes after removal.
3. Samples storing and transportation at -80
Tumor FFPE + NAT FFPE + matched plasma/serum
Tumor FFPE + Tumor FF
Tumor /NAT FF + matched plasma/serum
Tumor FFPE + NAT FFPE + Tumor FF + NAT FF
Plasma/serum + urine
Aqueous humor + plasma/serum
… and other upon request